Thursday 15 December 2011

The War Effort Begins

I wasn't honestly expecting to see any in game action from this wardec and I kept blowing people up when I was supposed to be ratting my sec up.  Nevertheless I managed to scrape my way to -3.04 allowing me to access my main station system without Navy aggro for the first time in at least a year.

Fortunately one of my war-targets had come to visit me so I went out to have a sniff around and see what he was flying.  One jump away I see him on the inbound gate in a Cynabal so I quickly burn back to the gate in my Hawk, hop over and swap out to one of the few non-frigate ships I have loaded.  It's a choice between a shield  gank Myrmidon or a Stabber Fleet Issue.  I figure cruiser for cruiser so away I go.

The target is still next door but not on the gate.  A few warps around and eventually I find him on gate again, 200km off.  Not a good starting position for me so I warp to an obvious celestial and hope he lands near my scram range.  SUCCESS! He takes a while to chew through and his neut is causing me a bit of trouble with my dual reps, but not that much trouble.

Goodfights were exchanged in local.  All very civil.  Uncharacteristic for me?  Despite my badposting I'm much different to talk to in game.

I look forwards to further engagements.

I then reshipped to my Hawk to head down and play with the wonderful Tuskers in Hevrice.  Grog drinker gave me a nice AF brawl versus his Jaguar to end the night in style.

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